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Keep It Together
Counseling & Coaching
A Christian Ministry devoted to freedom and healing through Jesus Christ, Biblical Counseling and Solution Focused therapy.
The counseling most people expect in traditional talk therapy consists of bringing up old problems, hurts and pain for several sessions.
Of course, we understand your need to identify your issues and problems. In Solution Focused Brief Therapy, SFBT, we will move immediately to the heart of what you really want in your future.
Solution focused conversations help you develop control over your own life and marriage.
Your problems and discouragements do not define you or your marriage or your life...even if you feel like they do right now.
We are skilled and trained to help you remember you are more than your problem and your marriage is more than the bad things that have happened to the two of you.
We do not judge where you've been...we simply provide an opportunity for you and/or the two of you to chose another path toward the future YOU want.
"My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there." Charles Kettering
*Solution Focused Brief Therapy is evidence based and has extensive formal evaluation research showing its effectiveness in both cost and results.
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